Risk, Safety, & Resilience

Health and Well-Being Resources

Mason’s Employee Health and Well-Being program partners with other university units to promote a culture of health and well-being among Mason’s students, faculty, and staff.  Please visit our partner resources and programs.  

Mason’s Well-Being Focused Programs

Mason’s Center for the Advancement for Well-Being promotes “the science and practices that lead to a life of vitality, purpose, resilience and engagement.”

Human Resources and Payroll provides additional resources regarding mental health, employee assistance, and financial health available to all university employees on line here 


  • University of Washington – Well-Being for Life and Learning Guidebook focuses on instituting well-being practices on campus and in the classroom to help student thrive through awareness, resiliency, community, and engagement. 
  • Yale University – Coursera Course: The Science of Well-Being provides a curriculum and activities that you can complete at your own pace to improve your mental health, happiness, and productivity.