Risk, Safety, & Resilience (RSR) is comprised of four divisions: Emergency Management & Fire Safety, Employee Health & Well-Being, Enterprise Risk Management, and Environmental Health & Safety. Read more about the work of each RSR division below.
Emergency Management & Fire SafetyEM&FS aims to reduce the risk of fire at the university by inspecting and testing building fire protection systems, conducting fire drills, developing building evacuation plans, training employees and students in fire safety, investigating incidents of fire and causation, and installing, inspecting, and testing portable fire extinguishers.
- Learn more about EM&FS at ready.gmu.edu
- Learn more about EHW at ehw.gmu.edu
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) reports real and potential threats and opportunities that affect the achievement of the University’s mission and strategic objectives; provides administrative oversight and management of the ERM Council; and establishes and implements an overarching ERM process providing a methodology, a common language, and a set of standards to identify, evaluate, prioritize, proactively and continuously manage enterprise risks.
This division also encompasses operational risk management (ORM) which serves as Mason’s liaison with the Commonwealth’s Division of Risk Management, serves as the lead official when dealing with external organizations regarding accident investigations and insurance claims, administers the Commonwealth’s Risk Management Plan to protect the Commonwealth and the University’s reputation and financial assets, supports university departments by assessing potential risks, recommending action to manage hazards, or suggesting the contractual transfer of those risks. In the event of a mishap, ORM will assist in both controlling the loss and recovery through insurance.
- Learn more about ORM at risk.gmu.edu
Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) establishes policies and procedures, provides training and education, implements preventive actions, mitigates hazards, and ensures continuous improvement of Mason’s health and safety programs for employees, students, and visitors. EHS is comprised of three functional areas as described below:
- Environmental Compliance – oversees environmental compliance aspects of university facilities and operations. Specific program areas include hazardous and universal waste management, air pollution source permitting, petroleum storage tank spill prevention, and environmental spill preparedness and response. This function also works closely with the Office of Sustainability and other university organizations on the development and implementation of an Environmental Management and Sustainability System.
- Laboratory Safety – develops and maintains laboratory safety policies, provides training and guidance to research personnel to assist in compliance with regulations and industry standards, conducts laboratory inspections, assists with the design/renovation of lab spaces, and manages laboratory waste streams. This group also administers the biological, chemical, laser, radiation, and x-ray safety programs, as well as provides administrative oversight for the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) and Radiation Safety Committee (RSC).
- Occupational Safety – promotes safe workplace practices and provides occupational safety services to university employees in accordance with OSHA requirements and industry standards. This function administers the confined space, fall protection, shock and arc flash safety, job safety analysis, lockout/tagout, and personal protective equipment programs. Occupational Safety conducts routine inspections of work areas to identify and mitigate potential hazards and conducts routine training in accordance with Federal, state, and institutional training requirements.
Learn more about EHS at ehs.gmu.edu